Four Small Steps to Mental Health

Small steps yield big results. “Four Small Steps to Mental Health” is a guest blog from Roanne Johns. I love it when readers offer to write guest blogs. The timing of this one is perfect. I’m heading to the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s 150th-anniversary book festival this weekend. Her article about an important issue was good for my mental health as it is one less thing to think about this week. Thank you, Roanne. Daily Habits […]

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Lent and Learning to Fast Again

Thank you Bishop Rinehart for your thoughts about applying an ancient practice to our very modern challenges. Though appropriate any time, Lent seems a particularly good time to incorporate this practice into our lives. Lent begins next Wednesday with Ash Wednesday. Lent and Learning to Fast Again by Michael Rinehart God cannot fill what is full. — Mother Teresa The three disciplines of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Jesus instructs his followers on these three […]

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