New Book: Mary Brewster’s Love Life: Matriarch of the Mayflower
Could you leave three children behind to make a treacherous journey to the far side of the world, not knowing when or if you’d ever see them again?
Mary Brewster did that. It wasn’t her choice. A woman in the 16th century seldom had much say about her fate. Her place was to go along with their husband’s plans. Those plans led her to leave her tranquil life in rural England as the mistress of a manor to live in exile across the North Sea. A decade later, she sailed away with two young sons to start over again in the New World.
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Mayflower Chronicles: The Tale of Two Cultures
Real People • Real Events • Plausible Conversations
For thousands of years two distinct cultures evolved unaware of one another’s existence. Separated by what one culture called The Great Sea and known to the other as the Atlantic Ocean, the course of each culture’s future changed irreversibly four hundred years ago. In 1620 the Mayflower delivered 102 refugees and fortune seekers from England to Cape Cod, where these two cultures first encountered one another. The English sought religious freedom and fresh financial opportunities. The Natives were recovering from the Great Dying of the past several years that left over two-thirds of their people in graves. How would they react to one another? How might their experience shape modern cross-cultural encounters?
Author Kathryn Brewster Haueisen consulted with modern-day Pokanoket people in the process of crafting this vivid, deftly written historical tale. A saga of survival, cooperation, and the struggle to understand others who belong to a drastically different background, Mayflower Chronicles is highly recommended for both personal and public library collections. - Midwest Book Review (Supporting local Indie Bookshops)
In Houston:
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Asunder: A Novel Approach to Divorce Recovery
Journey with middle-age Ellie as she navigates the single-again life after three decades of marriage. Just as she finds new love, a family crisis forces her to decide what’s most important to her.
Includes additional non-fiction study guide changing attitudes and assumptions of marriage and other resources. Ideal for book clubs and discussion groups.
"As I read the book, I kept thinking, "Where was a book like this when I was going through my divorce?" I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who is going through divorce, has been through a divorce or has a friend or loved one going through divorce. Sandy Lawrence
Order autographed copies directly from the author at Free shipping within the USA. $10 for single copies. $8/book for orders of 10 or more shipped to same address.
40-Day Journey with Kathleen Norris
Excerpts from several Kathleen Norris books, edited by Kathryn Haueisen.
Supplemental readings and questions for reflection make a perfect choice small group studies or individual devotional time.
"A wonderful compilation with excerpts from Norris's writings and invitations questions for reflection and journaling, plus short daily prayers. I would highly recommend this book to both fans of and newcomers to Norris. The 40-day format makes it ideal for Lent, but it could be used anytime." Melanie J. Taormina
A Ready Hope - Effective Disaster Ministry for Congregations
Co-authored with Disaster Response professional Carol Flores, this follows a fictional community through the first year after disaster strikes. Multiple side-bars and supplemental material will help prepare congregations for a disaster and volunteers to help them recover.
"Haueisen and Flores have added a remarkable new resource to disaster planning for local faith communities. Stressing the importance of preparation and discerning of ministry, especially balanced against infrastructure improvement, A Ready Hope gives a detailed and comprehensive view of how local people face the devastating effects of a disaster. In addition, the book is written in a narrative form...following the steps taken by a fictional church in the midst of a flooded community...that is an absolute page-turner. Just like a compelling novel, you can't put it down. A Ready Hope is a compelling read, a dependable information source and an inspiration for churches, congregations and faith communities." Christy
Available from Rowman & LIttlefield or Amazon
God in the Raging Waters – Stories of Love and Service Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
Bishop Paul Blom; Edited by Kathryn Haueisen
The 2005 Hurricanes Katrina and Rita caused severe damage to congregations served by Bishop Blom. Support poured in from around the country. Touching tales of extreme generosity will inspire anyone experiencing trauma from a disaster.
Available from Amazon.
Natural disasters will never be able to weaken or stop the love of Christ. The unprecedented response of love and support from across the country and blogs are evidence of hope in the midst of destruction, injury, and death. This book should be part of the training for those who are led by the Holy Spirit to respond to disasters. Ron Warren, Former Bishop Southeastern Synod of the ELCA
Married and Mobile
After four moves in five years I refused to leave my home office until I had a chance to vent about my moving box blues in the form of this book.
I have all the remaining copies and this oldie-but-goodie is yours for the asking. Head over to the contact page to request your free print copy. Let me know if you want it signed for you or someone else.
Augsburg Fortress