Four Small Steps to Mental Health

Small steps yield big results. “Four Small Steps to Mental Health” is a guest blog from Roanne Johns. I love it when readers offer to write guest blogs. The timing of this one is perfect. I’m heading to the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s 150th-anniversary book festival this weekend. Her article about an important issue was good for my mental health as it is one less thing to think about this week. Thank you, Roanne.

Daily Habits Impact Mental Health
By Roanne Johns

Too often, the stigma around mental health leads to unhelpful silence. Many people recoil at the mention of disorders like depression or anxiety, as if even mentioning a troubled condition puts one at risk of acquiring it. Yet it must be understood that, especially in this day and age, mental stability is cultivated, not assured, and talking about mental health is far more productive than letting the subject fester in secrets and painful quiet. It’s time to admit that everyone struggles with mental health sometimes and we all must find routines to maintain our psychological equilibrium. Here are four daily habits that can contribute to improving mental health.

Nurture Proper Posture

The way you physically hold yourself can affect your mental well-being. If you’re often hunched over and caved in on yourself, not only will your bones, back, and neck ache—the bodily discomfort will spike your stress and anxiety. In contrast, sitting and standing straight can boost your energy and mood. Your posture might be difficult to improve by yourself, however, so consider investing in ergonomic furniture—equipment designed to optimize your body’s comfort and position. The best ergonomic chairs should be durable and sturdy, with customizable seating to give your back excellent support. For example, the Steelcase Gesture Chair has a 3D Live Back support that adapts to your spine’s curve and movement, allowing you to stay in a healthy ergonomic posture no matter how you sit. Nurture a proper posture to boost your mental health.

Eat Intuitively

Today’s photo alteration tools that divorce image from reality, make the ideal body type more unrealistic and ridiculous. Yet still, many try to diet their way to that ever-elusive beauty standard, deteriorating their physical and mental health in the process.

Complicating your relationship with food that nourishes you can harm your internal well-being. The more healthful option overall is to let go of aesthetic ideals and simply eat when you’re hungry. That doesn’t mean indulging in every appetizing whim, of course. Instead, intuitive eating means paying attention when your body tells you what it needs and giving it sustenance freely.

According to a 2021 study, doing this predicts better psychological health and lower disordered eating. If you’re having trouble adjusting to this mindset, you can leverage a healthy eating app like Way, which encourages you to be mindful of your eating habits. You’ll be able to reflect on your attitudes toward eating and organically shift your behavior. Eat intuitively every day for better mental health.

Take up an Art

Art fulfills an essential function in our lives, and taking up a method of self-expression can help boost your mental well-being. This is backed up by research. For example, a 2021 study found that singing in a choir is associated with better mood and quality of life in healthy older adults. Those who regularly participated had the added benefit of better verbal flexibility. Choir singing provides an accessible way to unleash your creativity and communicate your thoughts and feelings, as well as opportunities for health-giving socialization. If the thought of performing in front of a crowded room doesn’t sound appealing, that’s alright—your art can be anything. Pick up any creative hobby that inspires you, such as painting or baking. Practice it consistently and watch your mental health improve.

Connect with Your Faith

Your mental health is related to your spiritual health. A 2020 study found that spirituality is positively related to psychological well-being and linked to health-related behaviors, demonstrating that undertaking spiritual practices—especially for those already invested in understanding the human mind and spirit—benefits your mental state. How you apply this is up to you and your faith practice. The crucial aspect is that allocating time for prayer, meditation, or your faith’s equivalent will bolster you mentally.

Your mental health is important and should be cultivated with care. Follow the four daily habits above to keep your mind healthy.

Roanne Johns is a stay-at-home mom training to become a licensed planning family consultant. She loves to help others through her writing, whether it be through advice or real-life experiences. Outside of her work, she does volunteer work in her community and caring for her grandfather who has looked after her since she was young.

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  1. I read your article, great advice. I make myself think about my faith, what kind of person I should be. Always kind. I exercise, play music, it helps So much!
    Whether I m 20 or 70

  2. Thank you Debbie – If we doubt the impact of little things, try walking with a tiny pebble between a foot and the inside of a shoe. Good for you!

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