4th of July, 2024

Yesterday was the annual flag-waving, grill-cooking, parade-watching, and fireworks display celebration inspired by events over 200 years ago. I spent it at a performance of The Lion King. This week’s post is an edited rerun of what I posted a year ago, in 2023. What I wrote then seems to describe where we are a year later so I decided to take the week off to enjoy time with family. Here’s to summer reruns. The […]

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Elder William and Mary Brewster

I discipline churchgoers with godly lessons and sharp words if they do not change their ways. My goal is to open their hearts so that they seek forgiveness.  (William Brewster) William and Mary Brewster are my great x 12 grandparents. While doing research for the two historical novels I wrote with them as the main characters, I spent as much time in the 16th and 17th centuries as I did in the 21st one. The […]

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Land of the Free?

Tomorrow is Earth Day 2023. We need more than one day a year to remember the impact homo spines have made on the earth, but a day is better than nothing. I’ve been away this week with a few friends on a getaway to Ohio’s wonderful Amish Country. This blog is from Phoebe Morad, Executive Director of Lutherans Restoring Creation. Her passion for caring for creation is contagious and worthy of a large audience. She […]

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Earth Day 2022

Today, April 22, is Earth Day, a day that grows more significant and important each year. Reports about about humanity’s need to curb our insatiable appetite for natural resources has increased from a trickle to a raging river worth of news. In 1969 the Cuyahoga River, which winds its U-shaped way through Cleveland where I grew up, caught fire. The river feeds into Lake Erie. After a storm we often found hundreds of dead fish […]

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Earth Day Birthday

Next Thursday (April 22) is the 51st birthday for Earth Day. Happy Earth Day Birthday. A year ago, when the world went into lockdown as we tried to contain the Coronavirus, Mother Nature let a huge sigh of relieve and things changed. Wildlife got bolder, showing up in places where they’d not been seen in decades. Noise pollution decreased. Air quality improved, revealing vistas long hidden in smog. These and other changes make the case […]

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