Lutherans Restoring Creation

Lutherans Restoring Creation

Lutherans Restoring Creation represents a segment of the Christian community that takes seriously humanity’s Genesis job description to care for the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and all living things as managers appointed by the One who created it all. Some within the Christian community seem to believe that since God is coming back soon to take off to paradise the privileged few who have professed the correct belief system, what happens […]

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Who Are the Wampanoag

Who Are the Wampanoag?

The Wampanoag, originally a confederacy of 69 tribes inhabiting what is now southeastern Massachusetts, Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, and Rhode Island, played a crucial role in the earliest days of contact between Native and European cultures on Turtle Island. Today, out of six Wampanoag communities, the Mashpee Wampanoag (People of the First Light), and the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), are federally recognized sovereign tribes living in Massachusetts, Eastern Rhode Island, and Martha’s Vineyard, respectively. […]

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blue-footed boobies

Galápagos Islands – Preserving Nature & Hosting Tourists

Monday was Earth Day. The Galápagos Islands are a great example of how to make every day earth day. We humans are the only species foolish enough to intentionally pollute and destroy our own habitat, naively believing if we can’t see it, it’s not our problem. It is our problem. We all need the air, water, and food produced from this one planet. Mass migration to another planet just isn’t going to happen during any […]

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Bats Control Mosquitoes

Bats control mosquitoes. What’s not to love about that? Bats are nature’s flying pest control program. I knew very little about bats until a couple of weeks ago. Back when husband Tom and I were just getting acquainted, he told me about a bat colony under the Waugh Street bridge in Houston. We agreed we should go watch them come out some evening. It took over six years to get around to doing that, but […]

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