
Graduation Musings

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) I’m in Graduation Musings mode this week. May 14, 2022 two family young adults, plus the fiancé of one of them, will flip tassels from one side to the other. That brings to an end a steady stretch of family members in school dating back to 1999 when the oldest of this generation started kindergarten. The break from classes […]

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Commencement Day

Perhaps we should reclaim the old tradition of calling the day one receives a diploma Commencement Day. That seems to better define what that day means in the life of a new graduate. We’re deep into the season of graduations. Proud parents and grandparents gather in stadiums or large indoor venues – or around a screen on an electronic device to watch daughters and sons, or grandkids, or cousins or siblings proudly walk across some […]

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