Elaine Scott

My Writing Story – Houston Author Elaine Scott

I met Elaine Scott through my husband. They both teach Adult Sunday School classes at church. Elaine is a well-established professional author with over thirty traditionally published books to her credit. Her story demonstrates how becoming a successful author is often a combination of talent, persistence, and serendipitous opportunities. How did you get started in writing?  I was a full time homemaker, raising two young daughters. When I was young (in the 50’s) women had […]

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writing time

The Write Time

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Time. Much like the weather, we talk about having too much or too little of it, but we can do nothing to increase or decrease our daily allotment of it. I notice that many authors posting on writing-related social media sites comment about needing more time to write. The relentless demands of daily life can make it hard to […]

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The writing life

The Writing Life

Going home to a place he’d never been before, he left yesterday behind him (Rocky Mountain High by John Denver).              Last weekend I attended my first Story Circle Network Writer’s Conference in Austin. I’ve been to Austin many times and even lived there while completing my Master of Divinity studies, so the city doesn’t qualify as a place I’ve never been before. However, this particular group is new to me. The Story Circle Network consists of […]

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Rochelle Melander

Meet Rochelle Melander, Author, Coach, Teacher, and Pastor

“The only way to lose in the writing life is to quit writing,” says Pastor Rochelle Melander. I initially met this successful author, teacher and pastor through the small world of female Lutheran clergy who also write. Colleagues of mine told me about another female pastor/author I ought to get to know. Though we share in common that we have both served parishes as pastors, I know Rochelle first and foremost as a very successful […]

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three-legged stool

Three-Legged Writing Stool

As a teenager I fanticized about what a writing life might be like. I imagined spending my days writing beautiful prose and gazing out the window at the horses I was sure I’d someday have. I have since written thousands of pages of prose. Whether it is beautiful or not is for others to judge. I don’t see horses outside the window, but the colorful birds I see are an adequate diversion from the computer […]

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