Debra Haaland – New Secretary of the Interior.

I never heard the name Debra Haaland until President Biden appointed this Native American woman to his Cabinet as Secretary of the Interior last December. Our paths will likely never cross, though I would love to meet her and learn more about her tribal affiliation with the Laguna Pueblos. Her appointment is a sign of hope for our multi-cultural continent. Finally, after four centuries, a Native American woman sits at the table where national policies […]

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Land Yields Life

Land. Land yields life. All living creatures depend on the land. No land, no life. We fight wars to determine who has the right to dwell on and drill or dig into the land. We harvest natural resources for shelter, food, and fuel. We go to court to determine whose rights will prevail in property disputes. Our modern ways of managing the land are based on assumptions imported to this continent by early European colonists. […]

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