In our third and final installment of marketing tips by Author Mary Hamilton she offers sage advice on making the best use of blogs, discusses when to give books away, and ideas for utilizing paid advertising. I hope you’ve found her insights as helpful as I have. I’d love to hear your most creative ideas for how to sell the books you write. Share your ideas at and I’ll share them with other aspiring, […]
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Sell What You Publish – Part Two
Last week my writing friend Mary Hamilton introduced us to the need to do our own marketing if we want to actually sell what we write. This week she reviews some of the pros and cons of various methods she’s tested. I met Hamilton at a Houston area critique group. My first book launch event was one she hosted – in a local coffee shop type restaurant. It worked. I bought a copy of her […]
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I learned long ago I’d get further ahead in life if I gave up trying to know everything I need to know and instead focused on knowing the people who already knew what I need to know. Mary Hamilton is one of those people. She writes beautifully. Equally impressive, she manages to sell what she writes in the most gracious, low-key way that has me believing I too can sell what I write. I asked her […]
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