Four Small Steps to Mental Health

Small steps yield big results. “Four Small Steps to Mental Health” is a guest blog from Roanne Johns. I love it when readers offer to write guest blogs. The timing of this one is perfect. I’m heading to the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s 150th-anniversary book festival this weekend. Her article about an important issue was good for my mental health as it is one less thing to think about this week. Thank you, Roanne. Daily Habits […]

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Health Benefits of Forgiveness

We’re in the season of Lent, a great time to reflect on the value of forgiveness. Aside from having been instructed to forgive one another, it turns out there are health benefits of forgiveness. My historical fiction about Mary Brewster is ready to introduce to the world, which is keeping me busy. Heads up – watch your e-mail box for a link to where you can get a special introductory pre-book launch special deal next […]

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Find Appropriate Mental Health Support

Today’s guest blog about how to find appropriate mental health support is offered as a public service for any of my readers who do not find this the happy, happiest time of the year. For some, the holidays are more of an emotional obstacle course that triggers deep feelings of loss and loneliness. Thank you Arlene Westcott for your informative article about the vital, but sometimes confusing, field of mental health professionals. If you need […]

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Global Mental Health

One of the unanticipated outcomes of starting a weekly blog is having total strangers read it and contact me. Roanne Johns, a mental health advocate, reached out to ask if I could consider letting her write a guest blog. Today is that day. Thank you, Mrs. Johns, for providing this guest blog about Global Mental Health. Having you do this has been good for my mental health. Mental health is an issue near and dear […]

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Gratitude Improves Health

I hope it is true that gratitude improves health. This week I’m struggling to generate gratitude. Another week, another setback in the book launching business. The place my publisher uses to print books had to close temporarily to deep clean the shop because someone tested positive for COVID-19. This is setting them back several weeks on their projects. It’s like waiting on a tarmac for permission to take off and having to accept there is […]

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