Land Yields Life

Land. Land yields life. All living creatures depend on the land. No land, no life. We fight wars to determine who has the right to dwell on and drill or dig into the land. We harvest natural resources for shelter, food, and fuel. We go to court to determine whose rights will prevail in property disputes. Our modern ways of managing the land are based on assumptions imported to this continent by early European colonists. […]

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#ListenLearnLove: Whose Land of the Free?

My summer 2020 blogs come from a variety of people commenting on the theme #ListenLearnLove. Today’s guest blog is from Phoebe Morad, the Executive Director of Lutherans Restoring Creation and a woman whose voice is worthy of a broad audience. Thank you, Phoebe for this blog and your important work.  As we head into a Fourth of July holiday, in the midst of a pandemic that precludes our usual celebrations, this is a good year […]

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