People of Hope – Angela Burgess

These days there is a lot of poverty in the world, and that’s a scandal when we have so many riches and resources to give to everyone. Pope Francis Angela Burgess is on a mission to help families escape the poverty trap and find hope for their futures. I met this exuberant carrier of hope through the Houston non-profit RaiseUp Families organization. After being a long-time donor, she became the executive director in 2020. In […]

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Dr. Roger Leslie, author

People of Hope – Dr. Leslie

People of hope are men and women who see a need and find a way to respond to it; doing something encouraging for others. With so much discouraging and upsetting news bombarding us at every turn, it is easy to become distraught and overcome by despair. Living with despair is bad for our mental health. I can’t change the news, but I can counter it with stories about people who find ways to instill hope. […]

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Hope and Wonder

With all the astonishing events unfolding in recent weeks, I’ve been thinking about hope and wonder, the difference between them, and the importance of both of them. A couple of weeks ago, those churches that follow the common three-year lectionary cycle heard, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1). Hope is a simple four-letter word that carries an ocean’s worth of depth and a mountain’s […]

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Beth Splaine – Devil’s Grace

Devil’s Grace: Inspired by the Light…and two real-life medical errors According to a 2012 study completed at Johns Hopkins, over 250,000 people die each year from medical error. Since then, that figure has been hotly debated for many reasons. Most prominent is the question: How is medical error defined? Is it an adverse, avoidable event that leads to death? A procedure that should have been done, but wasn’t? If an adverse event occurs but the […]

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TX Army National Guard Hurricane Harvey Response

Where Was My Faith?

“Where is your faith in God?” That was the question posed to me by my husband as the news continued to report the status of water being released from the two reservoirs near our home. The combination of 50 inches of rain dumped on Houston by Hurricane Harvey and water releasing from two nearby reservoirs resulted in the entrance to our neighborhood becoming a lake. Over the period of a couple of days that lake […]

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