Ross at Memory Lane - collage

Family Resemblance

I am fascinated with how various physical, mental, and emotional traits flow through the family genetic river generation after generation. My older brother, Ross, looked very much like photos I’ve seen of our father’s father; and also, our mother’s brother. He had the humor of our father and our mother’s father, which included a love of puns. He also suffered in his last years with dementia; as did out father’s mother. Ross passed from this […]

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Kim Knowle-Zeller

Life As A Stay-at-Home-Mom

I read Kimberly’s article in Gather, the magazine for Women of the ELCA. I connected with her thoughts about being a stay-at-home mother. How well I remember those days. I was once a stay-at-home Mom. Within the period of a few months I was asked two questions. First: “How will you feel when your little girls calls the babysitter Momma?” This during a job interview, when we really needed additional income to cover all the bills. […]

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What’s for Dinner?

This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with them. (Luke 15: 2b) Who eats dinner with you? If dine alone, are you keeping company with a favorite TV personality? Are you dining in a public place surrounded by strangers? Jesus was criticized because of the company he chose for dinner companions. We may not always have a choice about who we eat dinner with, but the people with whom we share dinner is as important to […]

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All happy families resemble one another; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. (Tolstoy, Anna Karenina) I’m just back from a mini-family reunion with my daughters for a few days. It was wonderful. It started with catching up on family gossip about who’s doing what where and our theories on why. Then we ventured on to several trips down memory lanes and the usual round of favorite family stories. It was like a […]

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Family Camp – Lutherhill Style

Train up a child in the way he (or she) should go, and when he (or she) is old s/he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6) Several years ago Gaynell suggested we combine our assorted grandkids and take them all to family camp at Lutherhill where I had retired as Executive Director a few years earlier. Gaynell and I are related by virtue of having married first cousins. That makes our grandchildren second cousins […]

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