A Tribute to the Great x11 Granddaughter of William and Mary Brewster

Were she still alive, my mother, Elizabeth J. Hieber, would have turned 106 last Sunday (March 29, 2020).  She died at the age of only 78. I say “only” because her mother lived to the age of 96. I am grateful to her for the example she set on how to face adversity and obstacles. Her lessons have proven invaluable during this coronavirus challenge. I credit her for my love of reading. Her curiosity led […]

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2017 Goal: Do the research on William Brewster’s Legacy

We gather for prayer, and reading the Bible, and singing the songs of David – William Brewster 1566 – 1644 Our mother, the research librarian, spent many hours of her later years documenting our family’s connection to William Brewster of the Mayflower. Our branch of the family loses the Brewster name here in this graveyard in Duncan Falls, Ohio. Several of my ancestors lived and died in this community not many miles Southeast of Columbus. […]

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