Beth Splaine – Devil’s Grace

Devil’s Grace: Inspired by the Light…and two real-life medical errors According to a 2012 study completed at Johns Hopkins, over 250,000 people die each year from medical error. Since then, that figure has been hotly debated for many reasons. Most prominent is the question: How is medical error defined? Is it an adverse, avoidable event that leads to death? A procedure that should have been done, but wasn’t? If an adverse event occurs but the […]

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Rest in Peace Jean, Sunny, Martha and Marlin

“Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55) This has been the summer of final farewells. There have been four deaths of people in my world between Memorial Day and Labor Day. There were others too that impacted people around me – a death in my husband’s family and several deaths at the congregation where I worship. Two deaths were among the early morning water aerobics group with […]

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