Birthday Reflections

I recently had another birthday. The number is unlisted, less out of vanity and more out of the reality that nasty people harvest such information against me. Suffice it to say, I’ve had more birthdays than either of my parents and one of my grandparents. Everyone has birthdays, and most are fairly routine events. Birthdays are funny things. As a child, I eagerly anticipated the day it would take two digits to record my age. […]

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Health Benefits of Forgiveness

We’re in the season of Lent, a great time to reflect on the value of forgiveness. Aside from having been instructed to forgive one another, it turns out there are health benefits of forgiveness. My historical fiction about Mary Brewster is ready to introduce to the world, which is keeping me busy. Heads up – watch your e-mail box for a link to where you can get a special introductory pre-book launch special deal next […]

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Rest in Peace Jean, Sunny, Martha and Marlin

“Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55) This has been the summer of final farewells. There have been four deaths of people in my world between Memorial Day and Labor Day. There were others too that impacted people around me – a death in my husband’s family and several deaths at the congregation where I worship. Two deaths were among the early morning water aerobics group with […]

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