Special Summer Newsletter 2022

You are no doubt familiar with the “Build-A-Bear” concept. I’m inviting you to participate in a “Build-A-Book” process – and also to enter (at no cost to you) a drawing to win a $25 gift card for an online, non-profit  bookstore. Keep reading for details.

But first, consider ways to help those needing to rebuild their communities after multiple recent disasters. (Photo by Getty Images). As I learned in researching A Ready Hope it is not helpful to rush into a disaster zone without a plan and permission from the local disaster response teams. Nor is it helpful to send unsolicited stuff without knowing what the locals really need. Financial donations are always needed and welcome. For suggestions on where to donate, turn to National VOAD. Their website includes a long list of places that respond to all sorts of disasters.

Build a Book & Help Mary Decide What to Wear

Mary Brewster is getting much closer to making her debut. But, she needs to dress for the occasion. Like modern women, she isn’t sure what to wear! Can you help her decide? E-mail me at kathrynhaueisen@gmail.com to vote. From left to right: 1, 2, or 3.  Your vote is your entry for a chance to win a $25 online book store gift certificate. The winner will be announced in the September newsletter. (Photo # 3 is courtesy of Mayflowerhistory.com. )

Mayflower Chronicles visits Chautauqua

While at Chautauqua Institution this summer, I offered a copy of Mayflower Chronicles: The Tale of Two Cultures to the Smith Memorial Library there. Should you visit Chautauqua yourself, you can now find the book in their collection. Here the book’s resting on one of the dozens of community cozy places to sit and read a while.

Where do you most enjoy reading?

Send me a photo of your copy of the book in one of your favorite reading places, and you might win a $25 on-line book shop gift certificate. Winners will be announced in the September newsletter.

Did you know you can date a book?

Neither did I. I learned recently that you can download an app (on your smartphone, not a computer) and meet a new book you’d like to “date,” aka read on any device, or purchase the hard copy. Booky will offer you matches for books you may want to read.

This link https://links.bookycall.com/2jNGmUQeG9YAZnzZ8 will only work on a smartphone, but the book is available in whatever formats you normally read. If you try it, let me know what you think.”

Mayflower Chronicles: The Tale of Two Cultures now has a profile there. Check it out from your smartphone. What next!? This link takes you to a YouTube infomercial about it. If you decide to try this online book dating site, let me know what you think.

Brandi’s Banter

Wanna know how hot it is here this summer? It’s sleep-on-the-hard-tile floor hot. That’s how hot it is. I’m lucky if the she person takes me out for a five-minute walk these days.

I don’t know if the human types can do anything about this weather, but if they can, I sure hope they will. This floor is h.a.r.d! At least I get to be inside. My poor miserable fellow creatures that stay outside all the time are really having a tough time of it.

The End

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