Leaving England

The people we’ve come to know as Pilgrims always considered themselves English subjects. They did not want to leave their heritage and country, but as the tumultuous events of the late 16th and early 17th centuries unfolded, leaving became increasingly necessary to protect their lives. The Mayflower story begins in the tiny village of Scrooby, in northern England. It was a small community then and remains a little village today. According to a Legacies of […]

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Queen Elizabeth II

Long Lived the Queen Due to no effort on my part, I was in the right place at the right time many years ago to watch Queen Elizabeth II opened a new session of Parliament. We were visiting London and noticed large crowds gathering in front of the hotel where we stayed. A police officer was kind enough to tell us we were at the right time and place to see the pomp and circumstance […]

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Myra Johnson – Guest Author

Myra Johnson is one of those people I don’t exactly remember meeting, but am grateful I did. She writes faith-based romance and cranks out books at a rate that truly astonishes me, as I labor for years to release a book. I’ve invited her to take over this space this week. Thank you, Myra, and all the best to you in your writing efforts. Myra Johnson on the Writing Life As long as I stay […]

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Hope and Wonder

With all the astonishing events unfolding in recent weeks, I’ve been thinking about hope and wonder, the difference between them, and the importance of both of them. A couple of weeks ago, those churches that follow the common three-year lectionary cycle heard, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1). Hope is a simple four-letter word that carries an ocean’s worth of depth and a mountain’s […]

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William and Dorothy Bradford – Mayflower Voyagers

In 1620 William and Dorothy Bradford sailed on Mayflower from England to New England. A great deal of what we know about the establishment of the Plymouth colony comes from Bradford’s  Of Plymouth Plantation. Four hundred years later this book is still a good source of information about the Pilgrim story, though it is obviously written from the English perspective. Today historians go to great lengths to tell the same story from the Native perspective. History has preserved […]

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