Good Friday

“Quiet in the earth a drop of water came, and the little seed spoke: “Sequoia is my name.” — William Stafford It is Holy Week 2023. What I write today – Tuesday – will be delivered to your inbox on Good Friday. The verse above I found in a Tuesday Holy Week reflection by Diana Butler Bass in her newsletter “The Cottage.” I commend it for your own Good Friday Reflection. The term “Good Friday” is […]

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People of Hope – Angela Burgess

These days there is a lot of poverty in the world, and that’s a scandal when we have so many riches and resources to give to everyone. Pope Francis Angela Burgess is on a mission to help families escape the poverty trap and find hope for their futures. I met this exuberant carrier of hope through the Houston non-profit RaiseUp Families organization. After being a long-time donor, she became the executive director in 2020. In […]

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Dr. Roger Leslie, author

People of Hope – Dr. Leslie

People of hope are men and women who see a need and find a way to respond to it; doing something encouraging for others. With so much discouraging and upsetting news bombarding us at every turn, it is easy to become distraught and overcome by despair. Living with despair is bad for our mental health. I can’t change the news, but I can counter it with stories about people who find ways to instill hope. […]

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Friendships are as crucial for a well-balanced, healthy, happy life as food is for sustaining life. Alan Loy McGinnis’ The Friendship Factor highlights the crucial role friends play in our overall health. He suggests that if everyone had at least one close friend, we would see a considerable drop in assorted mental health challenges. Friendships are essential to feeling satisfied with life. Friends provide company, consolation, encouragement, and even healthy challenges at times. The first friend I […]

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Peace and Goodwill

Advent, the prelude to Christmas, is upon us. It is the season of peace on earth and goodwill toward all. And yet we still have war, conflicts, and unprovoked attacks on innocent people. Peace and goodwill are nice sentiments, but we have a ways to go to achieve them. I thought you might be encouraged to read what a few insights have said about peace and goodwill. From Dr. Martin Luther King First up, thoughts […]

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